Learning Center Help

Thank you for visiting the IDS Academy Learning Center.

This page is designed to help you use the Learning Center. You can also install third-party software plug-ins or obtain support if you are having problems with the site itself. Click one of the links below to scroll to your desired topic.

Help Getting Around
Help Installing Third-Party Plug-ins
Support and General Comments


The Learning Center is designed with a number of navigational aids to help you get around.


The Inter-site navigation section allows you to explore other websites in the IDS family and learn more about IDS and our parent company, Brunswick. The inter-site navigation section also contains the link to this help page and our Privacy statement.


The Intra-site navigation section allows you to explore the various topics available within the Learning Center itself. It is set up using a system similar to the folders used in Windows. As you click on one topic, additional subtopics appear.


History & Utilities

The History & Utilities banner appears at the top of every page in the Learning Center. The left side of the banner shows you where you have been recently within the Academy. You can click on items within this section to return to previously visited pages. The right side of the banner contains a link which allows the current page to be printed.

Third-Party Software

The Learning Center takes advantage of third-party software to enhance your web experience. If you find that images are not appearing properly, or you are unable to view the videos, install the third-party software using the links below.

Click the buttons below to visit each provider's site. Each link will open in a new window.

Problem Resolution

If you have any problems with the Academy, or have any comments or suggestions regarding content or accessibility, please contact us.

Phone our Saint Petersburg, FL office at 1 (800) 962-7872, or email the webmaster at webmaster@ids-astra.com.

Please note that IDS does not support the use of the Dealer Resource Center or Learning Center via America Online (AOL). Also, certain features of the Learning Center can only be enjoyed using Internet Explorer v6.0 or newer.

IDS neither recommends nor supports the use of AOL or browsers other than Internet Explorer v6.0 or newer.

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QuickTime and the QuickTime Logo are trademarks of Apple Computer, Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries. The Get QuickTime Badge is a trademark of Apple Computer Inc., used with permission.